Predicate: {inojamaE
Roleset id: 01 , to become combined
        Arg0: agent, entity causing some grouping
        Arg1: things combined or collected
        Arg2: to what (if seperate from ARG1) or for what purpose
انجمع المحرك بالسيارة
        Arg1 : المحرك
        Gloss: the engine
        Arg2 : بالسيارة
        Gloss: with the car body
Roleset id: 02 , to be collected
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: thing collected
        Arg2: from whom
انجمع الأثاث بسرعة
        Arg1 : الأثاث
        Gloss: the furnitures
        Argm-mnr : بسرعة
        Gloss: quickly